John DiLeo featured in IC View

John DiLeo
John DiLeo

John DiLeo, author of SCREEN SAVERS and TENNESSEE WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, was a featured alumni in the latest issue of Ithaca College’s IC View magazine’s “Aluminaries.” The article entitled “From Stage to Page” sported a half-page photo of John speaking at the 2010 Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theatre Festival. The article focuses on John’s transformation from actor to writer.

Tennessee Williams and Company
The article also gave a glowing review of his latest book, TENNESSEE WILLIAMS AND COMPANY.

The book’s cover—an intimate, engaging photo of Williams and Anna Magnani—hints at the richness inside. Each actor’s work is given a separate chapter, accompanied by a filmography and awards list—a mix of critical analysis, history, and insider lore.

The entire article is available at the IC View.

John DiLeo’s Tennessee Williams and Company: His Essential Screen Actors is available in paperback for $25.95 from your favorite online retailer. Tennessee Williams and Company is also available as an ebook for $9.99 on the Kindle, the Nook, and the iPad and iPhone.

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