Kirkus reviews Kondazian’s THE WHIP

9781601823076Kirkus (June 6, 2014) reviewed Karen Kondazian novel THE WHIP, a historical novel based on the life of California stagecoach driver (whip) Charley “Charlotte” Parkhurst (1812-1879). The California episodes take place in Sacramento, San Francisco, and points in between. The Kirkus reviewer found Kondazian’s THE WHIP

An engaging, authentic depiction of life in Gold Rush–era California.

Karen Kondazian did extensive research into the life of Charley Parkhurst and western life,  and the Kirkus reviewer acknolwedges:

[Kondazian] has written a novel about the old West that feels authentic in almost every sweaty detail.

You can read the entire Kirkus review of Karen Kondazian’s THE WHIP here:

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